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3 Questions to Ask at Your Next Dental Checkup

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnoorda @ 4:33 pm
A question mark formed from toothpaste next to a toothbrush on a blue background

You probably already know that brushing and flossing your teeth twice every day is essential to prevent developing dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease. If you’re not also visiting your dentist every 6 months, though, then you’re missing a key aspect of your oral healthcare. It’s important to see them regularly so that they can catch any potential issues. That way they can treat them before they progress into anything worse.

Regular visits also benefit you by allowing you to express any questions or concerns you may have. If you’re not sure what you need to know, keep reading for 3 things to ask your dentist at your next checkup.

Question #1: How is My Overall Dental Well-Being?

You deserve to know as much about your general dental health as possible because you’re the one responsible for maintaining it every single day. Your dentist is sure to go over any issues with you in detail if they find them, but they might offer less explanation if things are relatively normal. Feel free to ask them to give you a comprehensive idea of your overall condition. You can inquire about whether your gums look strong, or if there are any potentially weak teeth that you might need to pay extra attention to, for example.

Question #2: How Can I Improve My Oral Hygiene at Home?

Your dentist can probably give you additional information about ways they think you could enhance your daily hygiene regimen, which might include:

  • Using products with fluoride. Many commercially available brands of toothpaste and mouthwash contain this ingredient which reinforces the protective enamel of your teeth.
  • Limiting sugar consumption. Sugary foods attract harmful bacteria that can cause cavities, so limiting your intake helps avoid them.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. You need to eat a variety of foods to give your body the nutrients it needs. Leafy greens have calcium to support your teeth and bones, while citrus fruits have vitamin C needed for your gums.
  • Quit using tobacco. Tobacco products generally are bad for your mouth. Whether you smoke cigarettes, vape, or chew smokeless products, nicotine interferes with your gum and can also result in tooth discoloration, decay, and even oral cancer.

Question #3: What Does This Symptom Mean?

If you’ve noticed a change in your teeth like extra sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, or see that a certain pearly white looks different than its neighbors, now’s the time to bring it up. It’s important to inform your dentist about anything that’s changed since your last visit because it could be an early indicator of a larger issue. You might have a cavity you can’t see, for instance, that may require X-rays to identify.

If you have other questions not covered here, don’t hesitate to ask them at your next appointment. Your dentist wants you to be informed so that you can take an active role in keeping your smile functioning at its best!

About the Author

Dr. Brett Noorda has nearly 25 years of experience enhancing patients’ lives by improving their oral health. He earned his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University, then achieved his DMD with honors from the Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry. He has a passion for lifelong learning and has continued his education over the years to be able to provide the most up-to-date treatments using advanced dental technologies. He’s dedicated to making your visit helpful as well as informational. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (702) 456-7403.

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