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Smooth Sailing: What You’ll Experience During Sedation Dentistry

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drnoorda @ 5:24 pm
Patient relaxed during sedation dentistry

Dental visits are a source of anxiety for many patients. This often springs from past bad experiences, misinformation, and general dental phobias.  Thankfully, sedation dentistry offers a way to make these visits calm and stress-free. However, though many curious patients would love to try it, they’re not sure what the experience is like. If you’re considering dental sedation, continue reading. You’ll learn what to expect and how it can make your dental treatment much more comfortable!

Types of Dental Sedation

There are several types of sedation used for dentistry, each designed to meet different needs. Here are the three most common:

  • Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas): This is the mildest form of sedation, inhaled through a mask placed over your nose. It creates a sense of relaxation and general happiness.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation: This involves taking a pill, usually an hour before your appointment. It provides a moderate level of sedation, making you feel drowsy but awake.
  • IV Sedation: Administered through a vein, this is the most intensive type of sedation that works quickly and offers a deep level of relaxation. Some patients experience some memory loss with IV sedation and don’t remember having a procedure done when it’s over.

What Happens During an Appointment with Sedation Dentistry?

Before your appointment, you’ll be given some instructions to follow based on the type of sedative you’ll be taking. For example, if you’re using oral or IV sedation, you’ll need a friend or family member to drive you to and from your visit.

If you opt for oral conscious sedation, you’ll take your pill before you arrive. Otherwise, your dentist will administer your sedation before your procedure. Once it takes effect, you’ll feel relaxation and calmness within minutes.

This causes your muscles to relax and your senses to dull. This has the added effect of lessening pain and reducing your ability to perceive time. As a result, your procedure may feel a lot shorter than it was.

What Happens After a Sedation Dentistry Appointment?

Once your procedure is over, you’ll need some time to recover from the sedation medication. For nitrous oxide, you’ll feel it fade after a few minutes, but oral and IV sedation need a bit more time to leave your system. The good news is that sedation has very few side effects, and when they do happen (which is rare) they are mild and pass quickly.

Dental sedation can take your dental experience from stressful to smooth sailing. Whether you decide to use mild nitrous oxide or deeper IV sedation, the key is to work with your dentist to decide the best option for your needs. By understanding what to expect, you can approach your next dental visit with confidence, ensuring a more comfortable and positive experience.

About the Author

Dr. Brett Noorda is a friendly and talented dental expert with a dental doctorate from the Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry. He enjoys working with his patients to build beautiful smiles in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Call (702) 456-7403 to schedule a sedation dentistry consultation at Dental Excellence: Dr. Brett Noorda or visit the website to learn more about this treatment and others.

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